Releasing and securing the suction panel

For your safety when using the combi oven

Before starting work, it is essential that you familiarize yourself with the information provided in the chapter 'For your safety' on this service page and the rules and hazard warnings in this instruction manual, and follow the instructions provided.

Materials required

Suitable tool for undoing the fasteners e.g. flat-blade screwdriver 


Releasing and swinging out the suction panel (table-top units)


Use the tool to release the fasteners, top and bottom.


Hinge out the suction panel into the cooking chamber.

Releasing and swinging out the suction panel (floor-standing units)


Use the tool to release the four fasteners (top, centre and bottom) on the suction panel.

Model size 12.20 only has two fasteners (top and bottom).


Hinge out the suction panel into the cooking chamber.

Securing the suction panel (table-top units)


To secure the suction panel, follow the steps in the reverse order that you performed to release it.


Make sure that the top and bottom fasteners are secured in place.

Securing the suction panel (floor-standing units)


To secure the suction panel, follow the steps in the reverse order that you performed to release it.


Make sure that all four fasteners are secured (top, centre and bottom).

Model size 12.20 only has two fasteners (top and bottom).
