Requirements to be met by personnel, working positions

Requirements to be met by operating personnel

The table shows the skills required to perform the specified roles. One person may perform more than one role depending on need and organization of work, provided this person has the skills required for the role concerned.


Skills required


Store manager

Person in authority in the kitchen environment

  • Has relevant professional training
  • Knows relevant national food legislation and regulations, plus hygiene legislation and regulations
  • Must keep records in accordance with HACCP
  • Trained in how to operate the combi oven
  • Is informed of the risks posed by the ConvoSense assistance system and must train users.

The owner's member of staff who is responsible and personally fulfils the owner obligations (see 'Owner obligations')

Essentially performs organizational tasks such as 

  • Entering the cooking profile data
  • Editing existing cooking profiles in the cookbook
  • Developing new cooking profiles
  • Adjusting appliance settings

May also perform all user actions if applicable


  • Semi-skilled
  • Trained in how to operate the combi oven
  • Works under supervision
  • Knows the regulations associated with handling heavy loads

Essentially performs specific operating tasks such as 

  • Loading the combi oven
  • Starting the cooking profile
  • Removing food
  • Cleaning the combi oven
  • Fitting accessories where needed for specific cooking operations
  • Minor servicing tasks

Working positions during operation

The working position for personnel when operating the combi oven is in front of the appliance door.

Working positions during cleaning and servicing

The working position for staff during cleaning and servicing is the entire appliance area.
